Nowadays, we all are quite familiar with the internet and use it in the daily basis. Most users have Android devices to easily surf the internet. Well, data subscription is mainly required as it allows you to easily use the data pack without any type of extra charges. But, if you are the one who does not use unlimited data service, then it often becomes important to keep an eye on the data pack. If you won’t pay attention to it, you could use more data that is beyond the monthly limit. In such a situation, some might pay extra charges to use the internet. Some might think of getting the data pack recharged the next month.
The 5 Best Apps to Track Data Usage on iPhone
As we all are living in the technological era where everything seems to be possible there tracking the data usage on iPhone has also become possible. Yes, now individuals can easily track the data usage without every time seeing how much data is left. Here in this article, you will get to know the best 5 ways apps that will help you track the data usage on iPhone.
Top 5 easy ways to track the data usage on iPhone:
XPSpy is an amazing monitoring as well as tracking application that helps individuals to easily track all the details like messages, calls, browsing history and much more. The developers are every day trying to update new features to this application and now they have updated this application with a new feature of tracking data usage. Yes! You heard it right. With the help of this application, you can now track the data used by a kid while using your phone. The application includes all the essential features that make the monitoring and tracking process easier.
To use this application efficiently you have to first Visit the given link below where you will get the option of download. You can start the downloading process; once the downloading is completed you can start the installation process. Once both the processes are completed successfully, you can register with it using your valid Email id and password. If you do not have an email account, you can create your account by filling the necessary details used by creating a new account. Once all these things are completed you can start the tracking process.
By following these steps, you can easily start the tracking process and know how much data is used by your kid and what all contents he or she was searching online.
You can get XPSpy at:
It is an application that is easy to install. The application uses theme colors that often change to reflect the current data usage status. This application consists of various features that make the application more reliable and efficient.
The application is a data usage pro app that is compatible with iOS and includes options for configuring customized tracking techniques.
It is a usage manager for all Android and iPhone device. It provides a great option that automatically turns off your phone network access when the data limit exceeds the defined threshold. It was developed years ago, originally for the 3G handsets but now it supports 4G handsets as well as Wi-Fi also. Its Pro version mainly supports the reporting usage per app and historical charting. It even includes advanced data prediction and easily tracks multiple SIM cards.
This application is developed and designed mainly for the iOS devices that bill itself like “your super weapon against the overage”. This application reports the data usage not only of the device but about the Wi-Fi connections also. There are several key features that this application offers like-
You can easily download this application from Google play store and from its official website.
It is an application that mainly controls the data on your iPhone. You can easily use this application for daily purpose and track the overall data you have used. It provides you an alert if you are using the data beyond its limit. Moreover, it offers its users various amazing features like-
All these 5 apps to track data usage are safe and useful. You can get all these applications either from the Google play store or apple store. These applications are very much trustworthy and offer users 100% accurate results. These applications can easily help you know how much data you use in a day and if the data limit is exceeding then it will provide you an alert or notification mentioning about your exceeding data limit.
If you have to choose one application that offers you both tracking and monitoring feature then we would suggest you use XPSpy only. It is an amazing application that is available with numerous tracking and monitoring features. There is no need to ask or check your kid’s phone. You can easily know your kid’s whereabouts, where they are, with whom they are talking and which sites they are searching. All these information will be available right in your hands, using this application. There are numerous benefits this application offers like-
So, if you are getting everything in one single application then why to choose any other tracking application. You can get this application from the above-mentioned website or you can get it from the Apple store. Once you have downloaded this application you can start the monitoring and tracking process and get all the information and data usage details right in your hands without the target person know about it.