Are you a troubled soul who is wondering whether your spouse is cheating on you? Or you are in a relationship with the same question? Even if you are a concerned parent who just wants well being on their child then this article is for you. You do not have to worry about that the other person has iPhone of any model; we will tell you how you can spy on them from android phone. It is easy enough with XPSpy and once done you will have the complete data about them on your phone. The best thing about this application is that it works with or without the jailbreaking also. So you do not have to worry about that factor as well.
How to spy one someone having Android using your iPhone
So how to spy on someone from your android phone? Simple enough, follow the below mentioned steps in those exact order and by the end of it, you will have the solution to your every problem.
Step: 1 visits the official site of XPSpy that is and downloads the application from it. Ensure that you download it from the official site just as different sites give the application loads of infections.
Step: 2 now you need to make your own particular id utilizing your mail address. This is critical with the goal that nobody can get to the information other than you. Keep in mind the secret key you will require it later.
Step: 3 this is the most vital advance as now you need to download the application in the objective’s telephone (whose calls you need to tune in) in the wake of introducing the application in their telephone login through the id you made in your telephone.
Step: 4 presently conceal the application from the objective’s telephone by utilizing our implicit element to shroud it. This is essential generally target will realize that they are being spied.
Step: 5 you are good to go to keep an eye on the objective. You should simply login to your telephone and you will have the capacity to get to the entire information of that telephone in your mobile phone.
When you are done with the above steps, open your android phone and then log in the account you created in your phone. Now, with the help of XPSpy, you will be able to view all the actions and information in your account. XPSpy tells you about the incoming calls and outgoing calls, you can listen to the live or recorded calls. When it comes to texting you have the features like reading sent and received text messages at your disposal. The location of the target user will also be known to you along with his/her calendar events, contact addresses and many more. So basically nothing will be hidden from you after you will start using this.
This application has saved many relationships, caught cheating spouses who thought that after getting an iPhone they cannot be caught, but we proved them wrong. This is the perfect tool for you to know whether you are in a correct relationship or in a fraud one. Just use XPSpy and all your worries will go away.